Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tidy Tuesday [ish]

So, last week I was home from Tuesday afternoon through Monday morning. I mean, I literally did not leave the house all that time. There was snow, school was canceled, and I had new fabric. It was bliss. Cabin fever? No way, not this girl.

But I am a very messy quilter. This was my poor dining room after my little staycation.

And I'm not even showing you the floor, where I tossed cut threads and little fabric scraps for 6 days. Onto carpet. Carpet that is dark teal. Not pretty.

But I conquered the mess on the table today, with the help of a few nice guys who happened to be hanging around.

They mostly stood guard while I cleaned.

And secretly admired my Briar Rose scraps, although they'd never admit it.

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