Earlier this year - I don't even remember when - I made this quilt top. I was inspired by this picture from this blog post by Rachel of Stitched In Color. I absolutely fell in love with her idea and had to try my hand at piecing some scallops. She was offering an online curves class that featured this pattern, but I was too poor to join so I decided to wing it on my own. I hesitated to post about this quilt because I didn't want to show a "borrowed" idea that someone was selling, but I finally wrote Rachel the other day and she has very graciously given me her blessing to share these photos.

Piecing curves wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, although a pattern and some instruction would have been nice! I love working with all solids and I am now more than a little obsessed with scallops. I especially love Rachel's modern take on them. There will definitely be more scallops in my future. The fabric kind, that is.
(Quilt-Holder Fatigue. It could happen to anyone, but seems more prevalent among husbands and sons.)
I love echo quilting. And these lines turned out rainbow-ish - even better!
By the way, in 7.5 years of quilting this is the very first quilt I have completed for myself. It's already gotten lots of use - perfect for